Graphic Profile


This brand guideline contains the foundation of the visual profile for VO2, and includes the primary graphic components like logotype, colors, typography, iconography and imagery. It tells you how to use and communicate VO2s brand to the public, so as to keep a consistent look and feel across multiple touch points.



VO2, volume (V) of oxygen (O2), or oxygen consumption is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by the body to convert energy. VO2 is the next generation holding company for the media tech industry. We acquire, invest and inject oxygen into our companies, giving them energy to accelerate profitable growth.

The logotype is simple and minimalistic yet well crafted. The letter V continues into the letter O which enhances the angle from the letter V, giving the logotype energy. The forward direction of the angle also implies speed and motion into the future.


Color combinations

Depending on where the logo is placed, on a light or dark background, there is a need for a positive and negative version of the logo (dark and light version).



It's important to maintain proper spacing around the logo to avoid overcrowding. Also, the use of whitespace keeps the brand feeling clean.


Minimum size

When significantly reduced, the logo will become illegible. These are the pixel size units we recommend staying within to preserve quality of the logo.



Favicon for the web.



Social Media Icon

Favicon, and logomark for the web.






For consistent use of the logotype it’s important to follow these guidelines.



When co-branding VO2 with acquired, invested or partner companies, choose between one of the layouts below, side by side or vertical (a VO2 company).

The partner logotype (if allowed by their guidelines) may be converted to VO2s greyscale colors, white, semi-light and black. When converting the partner logo to grey, the “a VO2 company” text should be in grey semi-light too.

The VO2 logotype should always be in any of the three allowed brand colors, orange, dark purple and white, depending on what background it is placed on.



The logotype is stored on [DropBox]. Click on the download button below, select a file format, and follow the guidelines for consistent usage.

File types


Use the SVG logo for all digital purposes, if possible.

SVG files are vector-based images which allows them to be scaled while maintaining quality. They are meant for web usage.

SVGs support transparency and can be opened and edited in most design tools. Some printers accept SVG files, but generally SVGs are used online (for screens) and EPS files are used in print.


Use the EPS logo for print if you need high quality.

EPS files are vector-based images which allows the images to be scaled while maintain quality. EPS files are used in printed material.

EPS supports transparency and can be opened and edited in most design tools. Some printers accept SVG files, but generally EPS files are used in print and SVGs are used online (for screens)


Use the PNG logo when the SVG logo can’t be used.

PNGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

PNGs are able to preserve the quality of text and lines better than JPEGs. They are also able to support transparencies. PNGs are usually larger files than JPEGs, which is why they are not usually used for saving images that are photos only.


Use the JPEG logo when the SVG logo can’t be used, there’s no need for a transparent background and having a small file size is critical

JPGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

JPG (or JPEG) is the most common and versatile of types of image file. They are compressed image files, resulting in a smaller file size than the original, pre-exported file.


These colors are mainly adapted for screen as VO2s profile will primarily be digital. These are vibrant colors that work as complementary colors to each other.


Light purple
HEX: #682ACD
RGB: 104, 42, 205
CMYK: 40, 64, 0, 20
Dark purple
HEX: #1D0B52
RGB: 29, 11, 82
CMYK: 21, 28, 0, 68
HEX: #0A002B
RGB: 10, 0, 43
CMYK: 13, 17, 0, 83
HEX: #F8571D
RGB: 248, 87, 29
CMYK: 0, 63, 86, 3
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0


The colors should be used very sparingly against the white or dark grey so that they stand out and make a mark.

Gray scale

Shades of the dark grey may also be used as a background color to add variation in contrast to the white.

CMYK: 0,0,0,2
CMYK: 0,0,0,25
CMYK: 0,0,0,53
CMYK: 0,0,0,68
CMYK: 0,0,0,83

Functional colors

The functional (feedback) colors should be used sparsely, primarily to indicate the state of an action, i.e. they provide feedback for the user. For example, a green success button indicates that it is the final step, or a yellow or red warning/danger message if something went wrong or didn’t work.




Manrope in SemiBold, used for headlines, is an open-source modern sans-serif with geometric round shapes and sharp edges and squared dots. The contrast between the round shapes and sharp edges creates energy. Manrope is visually strong yet maintains a high readability, which is important to follow VO2s simplicity.

Manrope - SemiBold


abcdefghijklmnopqerstuvwxyzåäö 0123456789

Body text

Manrope is also used for the body text, but in regular font weight. The contrast in thickness between the headings and the body text helps the reader segment information and guide the eye.

Manrope - regular




Heading sizes

4rem - 64px
Manrope - SemiBold

Heading 1

3rem - 48px
Manrope - SemiBold

Heading 2

2rem - 32px
Manrope - SemiBold

Heading 3

1.5rem - 24px
Manrope - SemiBold

Heading 4

1.25rem - 20px
Manrope - SemiBold
Heading 5
1rem - 16px
Manrope - SemiBold
Heading 6

Body text sizes

1rem - 16px
Manrope - regular

Massa, sed nunc tempus sed amet. Tellus arcu viverra dictum pellentesque blandit etiam pharetra imperdiet.

1.25rem - 20px
Manrope - regular

Massa, sed nunc tempus sed amet. Tellus arcu viverra dictum pellentesque blandit etiam pharetra imperdiet.

0.875rem - 14px
Manrope - regular

Tiny text

1rem - 16px
Manrope - regular

Bold small text

1.25rem - 20px
Manrope - regular

Bold large text

1.25rem - 20px
Manrope - regular


1rem - 16px
Manrope - regular
1rem - 16px
Manrope - regular
  • Bullet list item
  • Bullet list item that spans multiple lines and still positions the checkmark at the top left of the paragraph.
  • Bullet list item
1.25rem - 20px
Manrope - regular
A nice quote from a testimonial.

Color combinations

Good color contrast is essential for making text readable, and it is important in order to follow VO2s simplicity and user friendliness.

White / Light grey
White / Light grey
White / Light grey
Light purple
Dark purple
Semi-light grey
Dark gray

WCAG 2.1

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Read about WCAG 2.1s text contrast accessibility

WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) covers a wide range of recommendations for making content on the web more accessible, including a standard for checking text color contrast.

Contrast ratio of at least 4,5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

Contrast ratio of at least 7:1 for normal text and 4,5:1 for large text.

Large text
Typically 24px, or larger.



Manrope is an open-source modern sans-serif that can be downloaded from Google Fonts. Click on the download button below, select the font(s), and follow the guidelines for consistent usage.



Photography is the primary source of imagery and can be categorized into four areas. All four areas should feel energetic, modern, fast paced and technological. All four areas focus on the dark and light purple as the base color and only use orange and the other band colors as accents.

Excercise & oxygen
City & motion
Globe & connections
People & tech
Imagery / Photography

Exercise and oxygen consumption

Photos of people exercising are used for the connection to the name, VO2, volume (V) of oxygen (O2), or oxygen consumption, used to measure the volume of oxygen that is used by the body to convert energy. VO2 acquires, invests and injects oxygen into their companies, giving them energy to accelerate profitable growth.

To unify the photos a light purple filter is applied.

Adobe photoshop
How to add the light purple filter (Sat: -100, color-mode: 20%)

1. Open the image with Adobe PhotoShop

2. Unlock the layer (background) by pressing the lock icon

3. Make the background layer black and white by adding a new adjustment layer either by navigating to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation... > OK or pressing Command/Control + U (which can also be done by navigating to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation...)

4. In the new pop-up, drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left, -100

5. Create a new layer by pressing Command/Control + Shift + N or navigate to Layer > New > Layer... > OK

6. Add the Light Purple (#682ACD) as the foreground color by double pressing the left of the two color squares, and entering the Light Purple color code. Press OK when done

7. Fill the new layer with the Light Purple color by filling it in with the paint bucket tool (G)

8. Set the new Light Purple layer mode to “Color” and its opacity to 20% in the Layers panel which can be found in Windows > Layers (f7)

Imagery / Photography

City and motion

City photos filled with motion, taken in the evening or at night, are used to represent the energy and accelerated growth that VO2 provides to their acquired and invested companies.

For consistency between the different photos, the purple should be used as the base color and the orange and the other band colors should only function as accents.

Imagery / Photography

Globe and connections

The globe photos with connections are used to relate to VO2s global impact and collaboration between different companies.

For consistency between the different photos, the purple should be used as the base color and the orange and the other band colors should only function as accents.

Imagery / Photography

People and tech

Photos of people and tech are used to draw the important connection to the industry VO2 is active in, media tech.

For consistency between the different photos, the purple should be used as the base color and the orange and the other band colors should only function as accents.

Imagery / Photography

Parallax scroll effect

To add depth and bring the photos to life, a parallax scroll effect can be added on the website. This is done by separating the photo in different layers, allowing the background to move slower relative to the subject and foreground.

The possibility to animate text inside the photo will add value to the parallax animation.

Parallax examples


With an infusion of Oxygen,
talent and tech, we move our
companies forward

Share our vision for an injection of Oxygen

VO2 is a market leading
media tech company.

The latest
tech news



The portraits are taken professionally for a consistent look, with warm and natural lighting against a dark purple background.

Please note: 

The images below are just placeholders and may not be used. They are only here to give the correct look and feel, and will be replaced as soon as new portrait pictures are taken.

Imagery / Portraits

Fallback option

As a fallback option for the portraits, a purple filter can be applied. This will align the temporary portraits, and also link them to the exercise and energy consumption photos.

Please note: 

The images below are just placeholders and may not be used. They are only here to give the correct look and feel, and will be replaced as soon as new portrait pictures are taken.

Adobe photoshop
How to add the light purple filter (Sat: -100, color-mode: 30%)

1. Open the image with Adobe PhotoShop

2. Unlock the layer (background) by pressing the lock icon

3. Make the background layer black and white by adding a new adjustment layer either by navigating to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation... > OK or pressing Command/Control + U (which can also be done by navigating to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation...)

4. In the new pop-up, drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left, -100

5. Create a new layer by pressing Command/Control + Shift + N or navigate to Layer > New > Layer... > OK

6. Add the Light Purple (#682ACD) as the foreground color by double pressing the left of the two color squares, and entering the Light Purple color code. Press OK when done

7. Fill the new layer with the Light Purple color by filling it in with the paint bucket tool (G)

8. Set the new Light Purple layer mode to “Color” and its opacity to 30% in the Layers panel which can be found in Windows > Layers (f7)



The images and photos are stored on [DropBox]. Click on the download button below, select a file format, and follow the guidelines for consistent usage.

File types


Use the PNG logo when the SVG logo can’t be used.

PNGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

PNGs are able to preserve the quality of text and lines better than JPEGs. They are also able to support transparencies. PNGs are usually larger files than JPEGs, which is why they are not usually used for saving images that are photos only.


Use the JPEG logo when the SVG logo can’t be used, there’s no need for a transparent background and having a small file size is critical

JPGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

JPG (or JPEG) is the most common and versatile of types of image file. They are compressed image files, resulting in a smaller file size than the original, pre-exported file.


Use TIFF images for print when high quality is important

TFFs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They are a good choise when storing high-quality images before editing to avoid lossy file formats

TFFs are commonly used for print.


Icon style

The icons have been designed to link the different elements in the VO2 brand closer together. Like the logotype the icons consist of geometric shapes and are minimalistic. With sharp edges, hard corners and square dots they mimic the font Manrope. This tyes the different graphic elements closer together, creating a consistent brand.



Sharp corners
Sharp edges,
and a line thickness
of 0,5x
Squared dots, with
a line thickness
of 1 x
Geometric shapes
Primarily vertical or horizontal lines, and
round shapes

Icon colors

The icons can be used in any of VO2s colors, as long as the group of icons contains the same color, and that they have a good contrast ratio against the background.

White / Light grey
White / Light grey
Light purple
Dark purple
Semi-light grey
Dark grey


The icons are stored on [DropBox]. Click on the download button below, select a file format, and follow the guidelines for consistent usage.

File types


Use the SVG icons for all digital purposes, if possible

SVG files are vector-based images which allows the images to be scaled while maintain quality. They are meant for web usage.

SVGs support transparencies and can be opened and edited in most design tools. Some printers accept SVG files, but generally SVGs are used online (for screens) and EPS files are used in print.


Use the EPS icons for print if you need high quality.

EPS files are vector-based images which allows the images to be scaled while maintaining quality. EPS files are used in printed material.

EPS supports transparencies and can be opened and edited in most design tools. Some printers accept SVG files, but generally EPS files are used in print and SVGs are used online (for screens).


Raster graphics
Use the PNG icons when the SVG icons can’t be used.

PNGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

PNGs are able to preserve the quality of text and lines better than JPEGs. They are also able to support transparencies. PNGs are usually larger files than JPEGs, which is why they are not usually used for saving images that are photos only.


Raster graphics
Use the JPG icons when the SVG icons can’t be used, there’s no need for a transparent background and having a small file size is critical

JPGs are constructed by a series of pixels (raster graphics). They lose quality when scaled, and can appear blurry or pixelated if scaled to a larger size than they have been saved to.

JPG (or JPEG) is the most common and versatile of types of image file. They are compressed image files, resulting in a smaller file size than the original, pre-exported file.

Graphic element


To create a unique look and make VO2s communications even more recognizable and add life and energy where needed, the graphic element of the oxygen molecule can be used. It can live as a pattern, perhaps in the footer on the website, or be used alone, for example to mask images or as a background shape around icons.

Idea behind the pattern

The graphic element originates from the company name, VO2, and links to both the volume (V) of oxygen (O2).

Volume (V)

Volume (V)

